Web design agency focused on
sales, not just looks

Discover the perfect combination of innovation. Aesthetics, marketing and functionality.


What you get

Stop losing customers due to poor website design

Times of similar, template sites are gone. When you enter yet another unoriginal site and see pictures with smiling people downloaded from the stock, read dull texts with hackneyed phrases and exaggerations, does it provoke trust? Does it look like a serious company?

Web Design presents one of the key factors that influence sales and the first impression visitors of your site have. And it is design that determines whether your potential client is going to leave or stay. It does happen quite often that a visitor shuts down the page before he even reads half of it.

Working with us, you will get:

Responsive web design for all devices

We develop 3 design versions – for desktops, mobiles and tablets. This ensures error-free operation on all devices, increases conversion. Plus being mobile-friendly is an integral part of modern SEO.

Aesthetic, custom website

We do not use ready-made templates, instead we design and develop sites based on the peculiarities of a business and its audience, in order to boost conversion and highlight the strengths of a business.

Marketing texts

Before developing a new website, we carry out research, process and analyse data and choose the most suitable strategy.


Website design is not just about aesthetics; it also encompasses key aspects of search engine optimization (SEO). This includes: Keyword research and integration. Page structure and hierarchy. Content optimization. Meta tags.

Empowering brands through custom web design services


Do you know which websites produce zero results?

Owing to our 10-year experience we have clear understanding of the reasons why websites have low conversion rate

Information hard to perceive
lots of animation, moving
No solution for a visitor’s problem
Inconvenient, incomprehensible site
Site and texts do not inspire trust
Illogical page structure

Prices & Terms

Online Store

Comfortable and intuitively comprehensible internet shops with aesthetic, responsive design and and bug-free web development. Functionality of any complexity. Adaptive design for all devices. Basic SEO-optimization is included.

From 50 Days
From $ 8000
Landing Page

Landing page with an effective selling structure, catchy headlines, call for action, marketing texts for maximum conversion. And a unique design to add to that.

From 15 Days
From $ 4000
Corporate website

Corporate sites where aesthetics meets functionality and marketing. You are getting custom design, web development without errors, marketing texts, SEO. Every pixel has to sell.

From 30 Days
From $ 6000

It’s time to forget the issues:

  • Low conversion rate and loss of potential clients
  • Negative impact of the website on the brand and loss of trust
  • Ineffective communication between you and your clients

Web design agency for various industries

Backed by thousands of hours of web design experience, we provide customized solutions to meet the unique needs of your business. We strive to convey key points about attention to detail and nuance, customized solutions.

  • Banking & Fintech
  • E-commerce
  • Media
  • Gaming
  • Startups
  • Telecom
  • B2B
  • B2C


Why is a custom, aesthetic website important?

A significant number of sales is determined not only by the quality of a product, but also by the way it is presented. Would you agree that it is more pleasant to buy goods you saw in a bright shop window, rather than the ones on a dark shabby stall. Even if the goods are of the same quality, the person is more eager to spend money in the surrounding specifically created for it.  In other words, the person will be more inclined to shop on websites that remind him of a real beautiful shop, not a dark stall in a cellar.

What happens if our competitors have a modern website, and ours is outdated?

If your competitors have a convenient and modern site, clients most likely will choose them. Even if we suppose that our competitors have uncomfortable, outdated sites, it doesn’t imply that need similar ones. Ordering website from an experienced web design agency, you are going to get advantage over your competitorsу.

All efficient web sites possess a number of common traits – a modern, comprehensive, seamless design, a thought-out structure and data, intuitively clear navigation, adaptability to mobile devices. As well as texts written by an experienced marketer, designed for selling.


Who needs a professional website design and who doesn’t?

You should invest in professional web page design if you don’t want to pay twice: for the website on the template now, and for a new more original decision later on. You need professional web design and website development services if:

  1. you are sure that there is a demand for your product;
  2. you have a budget for creating an original project;
  3. you need to stand out from your competitors;
  4. you need to increase conversion;
  5. your business is working and bringing a return.

The custom website development is ordered by big companies with an established name and reputation, as well as those thriving to become one. Because they simply cannot afford to base their internet presence on a template.

Do you believe that web design is not that important?

Then try selling some expensive goods having it wrapped into an old shrunken newspaper instead of beautiful wrapping paper. This is that very moment when people are going to judge a book by its cover, without even bothering to check the contents. Nowadays, your site contributes a lot to your image. At the same time, web design Calgary, AB or anywhere else does not solely play an image role, the site has to be comfortable and user-friendly. Another crucial factor in your success is texts that inspire sales, eliminate objections, persuade to use your offer and not anybody else’s.

Is the site going to have a mobile version?

Mobile version is a necessity today. All sites are developed by our web designers together with the mobile version. Your site will work error-free on smartphones and tablets.

Many web design companies still believe that a mobile version of a site is more of an extra bonus to the image of the company. In fact, the design and development of a mobile version is vital, because a potential client, after seeing your site that is not optimized for mobile devices, will consider it uncomfortable and simply leave for your competitors. Don’t rest with the notion that if there is anything your client needs, he is going to search for it on your site. It’s not so, a user is usually more willing to find another site that is going to be more comfortable and comprehensive. One of the motivations for developing a mobile version is the statement made by Google that sites without a mobile version are going to come lower in search results. At the moment, any attentive person can already notice that the mobile industry is growing day by day. People use smartphones even at home, as it is so comfortable to do your business lying on the sofa. A smartphone also saves the most precious resource – your time. Therefore, our web design agency creates mobile and tablet versions of the site for both large and small businesses.

